LinkedIn profile editing

Things to Remove from Your LinkedIn Profile

If you have been working for a long time, you might have heard that you should update your resume according to the position you are applying for. This is something easy to do. But have you thought of what should be done to the digital resume?

You have grown in your career and some changes need to be highlighted. Have you updated those professional changes on your LinkedIn Profile? If you are thinking of making a job transition, you need to improve your representation and level up your professional life. This blog will highlight some of the steps you can take for removing older years from LinkedIn. So let’s redesign our LinkedIn profile before we apply for a new position.

Things you need to delete from the LinkedIn profile

An unprofessional profile photo

Your profile picture is the first impression that the hiring manager will view visually before meeting you. We cannot deny the fact that first impressions are important. People do use it to perceive someone the certificate of being trustworthy. The viewer just spends ten seconds before they can make a decision.

If your picture looks blurred or the background is strange, don’t upload it on your profile. No one is interested in a picture that is cropped to give it a professional look. Instead, invest your time and amount to take a shot that reflects professionalism. You can either ask a professional photographer to do the honors or use your cellphone camera for it. Dress properly and check for the colors that should be avoided to get a clear picture. Stand with your head up so the picture can portray your confidence. When you have clicked a professional picture then take help from a service like a LinkedIn profile writer or LinkedIn profile creator. They will help you if you can use the picture on your profile.

Extracurricular that reflect an unprofessional image

Consider your LinkedIn profile as a place to portray your professional image. One of the way of removing older years from LinkedIn is reading through all the content and post on your digital resume. Check for the comments and shared links that are outside your industry and professional goals.

It is common for people to leave horrible comments and awful details in articles and blog posts. Remember! Your angry posts and comments are seen on LinkedIn and can be read by the general audience. If you find something negative or mean on your profile, remove it immediately. Make sure all your comments and feedback reflect professionalism and your mature nature.

This does not mean that you should stop to deliver the reality. However, when you publish something or ask any question, think if that will be professional. Refrain from sharing your vacation destinations. Instead, if you have traveled for a cause that links with your job description or developed your skill, don’t forget it to highlight on LinkedIn.  

Information violating copyright

A legal case of the things that are considered the intellectual property of your employer or you. Before you sign a contract with the employer or clients related to the posting of information, make sure that you read it thoroughly to understand the points of agreement.

The statements might say that you are not allowed to make things like charts, graphs, plans, ideas, and press releases public information. This might be the case if you are working with a client and written some content. They might ask you to keep the information confidential.

However, if you have already posted something that is violating the agreement, remove it. If you want to post the information or repost and are not confident you are allowed to do so. Then check it out with the parties involved and verify if it is safe to share with the public.

The third-person pronoun in the biography and summary

Do you use third-person pronouns in your resume writing? If not, why are you using it in your LinkedIn profile? For instance, if you are writing, “Peter is a motivational speaker. She has attended many motivational talks.” You can replace it by writing something about you. These written statements will be the first-person pronoun. If you have difficulty, you can get access from services like cover letter writing or cover letter designers. They will help you through their expertise.

Upon doing this, you will create understanding and authenticity in your profile. Your readers will feel a closer connection with you giving a feel that you are talking to them one-on-one. You will be taking ownership of your opinions and experiences. This will highlight your confidence and strength in your ability on both personal and professional levels.

Old content

It is observed that various employees when they are changing their careers, forget removing older years from LinkedIn profiles. For instance, if a person was a digital marketer in the previous role and now has changed to choosing graphic designing, the new skills that are learned for the future position must be highlighted in the resume.

 No doubt, it is important to add experience to prove what you have been during your career gap. You can talk about your skills and successes but learn to transition to the career path you are currently on or looking for. Read through the job descriptions and update them to align the job who are desired to land. If there are any new awards or publications, replace them with the old ones.


What should never be added as LinkedIn posts?

Avoid talking about controversial topics. Keep in mind, that LinkedIn is a professional platform. Speaking up on sensitive topics can alienate your audience.

How to add work experience on LinkedIn?

Filling in the work experience section is easy on LinkedIn. The individual just needs to tap the profile picture. Then choose view profile. Scroll down to the experience section. Click on the experience section. Make changes to it and then save it.

What are the important things on the LinkedIn profile?

Your profile picture is the most important thing in your digital profile. Moreover, make your profile searchable and talk about the job you want not what you already have.

What does associated with mean in LinkedIn experience?

When the individual updates their LinkedIn profile adds his work experience or education. Choosing a company, university, or educational institution from the list of organizations. It will automatically pop up on the organization’s LinkedIn page as “associated members.”

Final thought

Take your LinkedIn profile as your resume. You need to keep on updating it. It is an active platform for you to show your skills and experience. A professional image on this platform will not only help in get new jobs but also build your credibility in the industry.

Invest your time and energy to preview yourself online. No matter if you are not searching for a job, you never know when the posted material will be viewed by someone who might be your future boss.

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